Our 200hr Teacher Training Calendar

Starting September 2021

The Format:

This is a Blended Training Course combining:

1. Pre-Recorded Material

2. Live Zoom Classes

3. In-person Training Days*

4. Weekend Residential Retreat**

5. Personal Practice and Personal Yoga Classes

6. With a Bonus Full Day Workshop


In order to achieve certification, it is necessary that you attend ALL of the training days, the retreat, 90% of the Zoom classes, and complete ALL of the prerecorded classes. 


The dates:

In-Person Retreat, Workshop & Training Days:

All training days are currently booked to take place at Aruna Yoga in Rathcoffey. However, if we are unable to travel we will switch to Zoom.

  • January 16th 2021

  • February 13th 2021

  • March 13th 2021

  • April 10th 2021

  • May 8th 2021 AND RETREAT May 14th to 16th 2021 (at Emmaus Retreat Center)

  • June 12th 2021

  • July - NO CLASS

  • August - NO CLASS

  • September 11th 2021 AND WORKSHOP September 25th 2021*** 

  • October 9th 2021

  • November 13th 2021

  • December 11th 2021


* Depending on the countries covid status - if it is not possible to deliver the training days in person we will keep the same dated and move on line.

** If it is not possible to deliver the Residential Retreat in person on the desired dates we will offer 1 rescheduled date with in the training year. If that is not possible we will then move it to an online format. 

*** This is a non-compulary BONUS ‘Business of Yoga’ workshop


Zoom Classes:

Zoom classes take place between 8.15 pm and 9.15 pm on Thursdays during term time (i.e. no classes for July or August)


Pre-Recorded Material:

Each week there will be a new lesson available. Some will be video, some audio, some text-based. It is important that you cover the material during the week, prior to the weekly Zoom call. They will be a mix of practice and theory during the month. You are free to revisit the material as much as you like during the year. 


Personal Practice and Personal Classes:

It is expected that during the training you will develop your own daily personal practice. Don't worry at this point about how to manage this or what it will look like. Initially, you can use the sample classes. In time this will become a self-led practice and is integral to your learning and integration of the material.

In addition, it is expected that you will attend a weekly taught yoga class (minimum of 36hrs during the year). This will support your practice, and also give you exposure to other teachers. It can be online. All of the course tutors offer online classes at present, so rotating between their blocks of classes is highly recommended.