Immersion Events for Yoga Teachers

Take your teaching to the next level

while feeding your Mind, Body & Soul

All while building credit towards Certified Training

So, you’re busy and can’t commit to a full training course, however, you would like to do one-day refreshers or immersions AND you would like your immersion to count towards a certified training course that you can take over several years -

If this sounds like you; we have the perfect solution.

Attend any of the immersion events, and let them build your credit towards a 40-hour or 100-hour specialist in Embodied Yoga Certification.


Accessing Adjustments from the Inside Out - Trauma Informed Cueings - 23rd November 2024

Weekend Teachers Retreat - February 14th 2025

Accessing Strength through Freedom - 24th May 2025

The Power of Pranayama from an Embodied Perspective - Autumn 2025

Weekend Teachers Retreat - Spring 2026

Teaching through Story - Bringing Philosophy into your class - TBC


Immersion Days

Enjoy a day of fun and exploration with Laura at the beautful and peacful Aruna Yoga Studio.

Nerd out with other teachers.

Dive deep into different aspects of the Practice and Anatomy and Philosophy.

Each day can be taken as a stand-alone, or combined over the year.

See the details of the topic for the day below

(1 Day each towards Certification)

Weekend Retreat

Why not take a full weekend to immerse yourself in the teachings and practices. Taking time to allow the power of the practice penetrate your whole being.

We know in our head & our hear that our teaching is informed by our practice. Give yourself, and therefore your students the gift of a nourished, revitalised teacher.

As always Laura combines the practice with the theory and the philosophy, in a seamless and fun way.

(2 days towards Certification)


Empowering you to Empower your students

Exploring our Nervous System

The nervous system is how we receive information, how we interpret it and organise it. The nervous system creates patterns and habits. It works to support us by interpreting, organising and commanding other systems. Integrating and creating patterns and habits.

This is necessary to be able to function, however all patterns may not be useful or optimal. Some may have been essential in the past, but now are redundant.

Explore how to inquire, recognise and perhaps even re-pattern, offering ourselves and our students more choice and agency in both their movement patterns and their response patterns.

Combining somatics. BMC embodmentmet and iRest principles begin your exploration into this fascinating world.

Date: TBC

Time: 9 am - 5 pm

Cost: €130

Venue: Aruna Yoga Studio, Rathcoffey, Kildare

Accessing Strength through Freedom

Today everyone knows the importance of strength in developing and maintaining health, whether you are a stressed teen, a menopausal woman, or a groovy granny.

However, just lifting weights can reinforce poor or even damaging patterns.

As a population, our muscles are over-tense and often unable to release. To build true strength, we require a full range of movement within our muscles; that is to be able to release, and activate.

Develop the somatic awareness to notice when tension is preventing strength and discover how when release is possible, freedom of movement is increased, and there is the opportunity to build true health-inducing strength.

Date: Saturday 28th May 2025

Time: 9 am - 5 pm

Cost: €130

Venue: Aruna Yoga Studio, Rathcoffey, Kildare

The Power of Pranayama from an Embodied Perspective

It may be the impact of the breath that hooked you when you first started yoga. As a teacher it may be fundamental to support your student’s access asana or meditation.

However as yoga teachers, we typically focus on external respiration, and ignore the power of cellular respiration, what happens after the breath is conferred from gas to fluid (from air to being absorbed into the blood).

Explore the wisdom of the breath from an Embodied perspective. Discover how less direction can offer more support; how travelling with the breath to cellular respiration offers a new perspective; how somatic inquiry and movement can enhance the physical freedom and strength of the respiratory system.

Date: Autumn 2025

Time: 9 am - 5 pm

Cost: €130

Venue: Aruna Yoga Studio, Rathcoffey, Kildare

Accessing Adjustments from the Inside Out

The Art of Cueing

As teachers we can wonder - what is the best way to cue or offer adjustments that are safe and empower rather than disempower our students

In this masterclass we take an experiential approach - you get to experience what we are talking about and then look behind the curtain as to why, and more importantly how we can bring a more embodied approach to our yoga classes.

Experience a class of embodied yoga and verbal adjustment cues for yourself, then explore behind the scenes in the afternoon. Dive into offering adjustments to your students and using language that empowers them to take control of their own practice and find what suits their body best. Learn how to build embodied language into your class. Discover how embodied language is naturally trauma-sensitive and the enhanced effects of an embodied approach on the nervous system.

Date: November 23rd 2024

Time: 9 am - 5 pm

Cost: €130

Venue: Aruna Yoga Studio, Rathcoffey, Kildare

How will the day run?

We will start the day with an embodied class, allowing you to experience an embodied yoga class and experience it from the student’s point of view. After that we deconstruct the class.

We will then have lunch, it is a great opportunity to nerd out with other yoga teachers or enjoy the peace and tranquillity of the studio’s setting.

After lunch we will dive deep into the theory, and how the practice/theory/play can be integrated into our own practice and our teaching. Investigating how it will impact our students and enhance out classes. Discovering, how the embodied yoga experience is different, using invitational, exploritry cues and empowering your students to take control of their own experience.


Empowering you to Empower your students



Contunous Profesional Development

Each day can be taken individually as a 1 day Continous Professional Development Day or can be combined to apply for certification as an Embodied Yoga Specialist.

Level 1 Embodied Yoga - 40hr Certified Specialist Training

Level 1 Specialist is a 40-hour training. It requires 4 CPD days, and completion of the project work including a Journal of your Embodied Personal Practice.


The Teacher - Laura Wynne

Laura has been practising yoga for more than 35 years and has been teaching yoga full-time for more than 15 years. She has her own studio and is now dedicated to training excellent yoga teachers.

Her teaching experience in the national rehabilitation centre and years of working with yoga therapy clients along with her trainings with Lisa Peterson, John Sharkie and her desire to learn more about anatomy from Gill Hedley others has transformed how she teaches. She has adopted an embodied somatic approach which has been transformational for her students and herself.

Not only that but her exploration into iRest during her iRest® level 1&2&Certification training has seeped its way into her classes.

Laura’s passion is in empowering people (teachers and students alike) to take control of their own practice and be guided by their own bodies. Laura has studied embodied yoga in depth and then spent years incorporating it into her classes, she now helps other teachers incorporate it into their classes.

What is somatically informed embodied yoga & what are the benefits for your students?

What is somatic-informed embodied yoga and how is it different from what I’m already teaching? This was my question. I thought all yoga should surely be somatic and embodied. Why would I want to train in what I was already doing?

I was already a yoga teacher with my 500hr. I was a yoga therapist, with 30 years of practicing yoga and over 10 years of teaching. I had a busy studio and a clinic, Why would I do this training? Thankfully something other than my head made me sign up. At the time … it was something for me, Laura, rather than me as a teacher, trainer, or studio owner.

However, I had NO IDEA.

It totally transformed how I move. It has totally transformed how I think, it has totally transformed how I teach, it has totally transformed how I LIVE.

This is what I am offering you -

No matter what style of yoga you currently teach, or what level of experience you have, this training will take you to the next level. Somatic-informed embodied yoga is about reconnecting with what is actually present, becoming aware of patterns, and retraining ourselves so we have more choice, and more freedom in movement (physically obviously, but also across all the koshas; mentally, emotionally, and spiritually).

This may sound very abstract, however, the impact I have observed with my students and clinical clients has been breathtaking. The speed students access areas of movement, find freedom, and strength while building balance and resistance within their bodies exceeds all other methods I have used.

Ready to bring something new to your classes?