Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training (200hr)

Sharing your love of yoga with the world

SEPTEMBER 2025 to June 2026



If you love yoga and are ready to go deep….

If you believe yoga is more than a workout and want to share its amazing benefits….

If you dream about the extraordinary life that may be waiting for you…

Information evening

Join us on Tuesday, February 18th at 8pm via Zoom to find out more


With over 30 years experience of in yoga, meditation & philosophy we offer you an opportunity to dive deep into your own practice, to learn about the science behind yoga, and develop the skills to share it with others.

Coming from a yoga therapy and integrated anatomy background we support you to discover how to bring yoga to people so they can integrate it into their real lives.

And bring almost 30 years of training and business experience, we can show you how to create a successful, and profitable yoga business, if that is your dharma (dream)


You will gain the Knowledge, Skills and Confidence to become a Successful Professional Yoga Teacher

Laura Wynne - 200hr Yoga Teacher Training Course Director - Aruna Yoga Founder - Yoga Teacher Training Ireland
Asana is not a destination (or a goal), its a treasure map to allow you (or your student) investigate and discover hidden treasures
— Laura Wynne, Head of Faculty, Aruna Yoga

I want to do the training BUT…


I've Never Taught Before

The students bodies are the greatest teachers they have. Our job is to support our students to listen to their body. It’s not as easy as it sounds. But by the end of the 12 months you will have the skill and confidence to lead a class.

I'm Not Sure I Want to Teach

We bring you on an in-depth journey through the 4 pillars of yoga and the science behind them. The whole training is designed to be experiential, so you will get great benefit from just doing the training to deepen your own practice and understanding. In fact it is one of the most powerful ways to approach the training

I've Been doing Yoga for a Long Time

Fantastic, join us and discover what’s next … Each students journey is very personal, so this will give you the skills to review your journey and to see it from another point of view. This yoga teacher training course offers a deeper exploration into yoga than any retreat or class can.

I'm Too New to Yoga

We all come with different backgrounds and experience of life. We require an openness and a curiosity to learn. Some times beginners mind is an easier starting place then coming form a fixed form of practice. Book a call below to chat to one of the faculty


Meet like-minded people who Share your Passion


I Don’t have a yoga body :)

Most of us don’t … and even those with ‘yoga bodies’ generally can’t do the ‘Instagram poses’.

I think it’s funny, how when I started doing yoga all of the images were of older, very very thin Indian Men. Now the dominant image is a young muscular woman. Go girl power. However, now it’s time for us ‘normal’ (whatever that means) folk to reclaim the image of yoga. And remember, as each of us steps up we automatically give others the permission to do the same.

And If your lucky enough to be a 20-year-old gymnast, you too are very welcome. During the training, we can show you what you need to do to keep yourself safe, and injury-free

I'm Too Old/Young

If your breathing you can do yoga, if you can do yoga you can inspire others to try it out. We have teachers from 18 to 78 years old. Older then 78 …. cool … I’ll have to update this page if you join us. During the 12 months you will have the opportunity to explore and to find your people. Depending on what you love doing, thats what you will teach. So maybe you cant do a head stand. Thats fine, don’t teach head stands. Yoga is sooooo much more than a hand full of poses. We are interested in functional strength and fitness of our body, mind and spirit.

Already completed a 200hr TT

But don’t feel you have the skills to start teaching - this will be perfect for you. We go deep into functional anatomy for the classroom. We focus on the skills you need to be able to enter the world as a competent professional yoga teacher

What Students have said


Our Training Philosophy

The 4 Pillars of Yoga

Often the asana practice is considered to BE yoga. However if you’ve been practicing for a while you will know how limited this view is. This training offers an exploration into the 4 pillars of yoga - Asana, Pranayama, Meditation & Philosophy.

One is not more or less important than any of the other ones. To support your understanding and appreciation of each of these pillars we dive deeply into the psychology, anatomy and physiology of each.

Your Personal Practice: Exploration & Discovery & Transformation

We support you to teach yoga from the inside out. During the course you will be supported to go on a journey of inquiry and exploration. You will be supported to develop your own personal practice from which you can

  • Develop an awareness of how and where your habits, limitations, personality show up in your practice

  • Investigate why I say the ‘asana is not a destination (or a goal), its a treasure map to allow you  (or your student) investigate and discover hidden treasures.‘

  • Explore other forms of practice, for example Asana, Meditation or Pranayama

  • Using embodied and somatic practices, take your yoga to the next level

Hear from Some Aruna Yoga Students

Hear from some other graduates of the course here


Expert teaching from a centre of Excellence in Teaching and Training

Including guest speakers & tutors throughout the training


What will I learn?

Yoga Teacher Training near Maynooth Dublin Ireland - Aruna Yoga


Dive deep into your practice. We will support you explore form and flow. For each pose … we investigate the ‘why’, and explore how it can be used or adjusted to support the deepening of grace and freedom within your body and the body of your students. You will learn functional alignment, as appropriate to your student (check out Leslie Kaminoff & Amy Matthews). In the physiology modules we introduce the nervous system, cardiovascular system and respiratory system. During the training you will be guided on a journey into your own embodied, somatically lead practice, empowering you to experience these ideas and learn from the inside out.



As a newly trained Yoga Therapist I worked in a rehabilitation center. Each student had different limitations. One student was unable to move any part of their body independently, except her eyes. I spent a year working with them on their breath. In the beginning I was wrecked with self doubt, thinking I was not doing enough. ”How could I be paid to teach someone to breathe?” I learned so much from these students … The power and the value of the breath … In my public classes, it’s exactly the same. People may feel they are doing something with the asana, but to see the powerful changes in them, at every level. once they allow themselves to breathe, always amaze me. Do not under estimate the power of Pranayama. And definitely do not assume “every one knows how to breathe”. During this training you will be supported to observe your breath. To learn to read the secret messages it sends to the rest of your body, especially your nervous system. You will also be guided in a number of practices, and supported to develop the skill to share them with your students.

Breathwork - Yoga Teacher Training Ireland - Aruna Yoga
Become a qualified meditation teacher as part of our 200hr Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training - Aruna Yoga


Quiet the mind and the soul will speak”, Ma Jaya Sati Bhagaviti. I came to meditation to help me manage stress. Today I meditate to rest back into stillness and wisdom. During the training we will introduced you to a number of difference meditation practices. You will be supported and encouraged to explore and develop your own practice. This experience will form the foundation to exploring common barriers to meditation. We will bring you though a number of different techniques and approaches overcoming these barriers so you have choices when working with students.

Meditation is a way to nourish yourself

and allow your wisdom and vision grow



Our study of integrated anatomy will inform your practice, your language and your teaching. While we begin with a systemized, functional exploration of the musculoskeletal system, the nervous system, the respiration system and the cardiovascular system, we then take a critical step, missing in most teacher trainings. We reintegrate it all. Having Gill Headley (check him out on youtube) as one of her primary anatomy teachers, Laura will guide you through how we as integrated beings can use yoga as an integrated system to promote health and create grace and flow for ourselves and our students. We will identify common ailments and you will gain the confidence and knowledge to be able to empower your students to practice in a way that is appropriate to them and their body.

The Science behind Yoga



Philosophy can be seen as something to be studied, I consider it something to be lived. We do delve into the Bhagavad Gita and the Yamas and Niyamas, but not with the aim of being able to quote them. This philosophy is designed to be a lived experience, which you will be invited to integrate into your relationship with yourself, your friends and family and your students & the communities you serve. The Purusharthas will inform the whole course. How can you live your dream, find joy and prosperity, and ultimately achieve freedom. The training is only for one year, maybe it will be a pivotal year for you. Integrating a lived philosophical foundation can really support you make conscious choices and live an awakened life.

Changing your life from within


Teaching Theory and practice

The Craft of Teaching

As every one who has ever been in school knows - knowing something and being able to teach it are two different things. Receiving the information is very different to exploring it, integrating it and deeply understanding it. Equally understanding something doesn't guarantee you can teach it.

As a teacher or trainer all her life, Laura is passionate about supporting you to be an exceptional teacher. This involves more than being able to break down a pose. Finding your voice takes time, however the processes is radially accelerated by the supportive training methods Laura has designed. As a result by the end of the training you will be confident and capable to teach public yoga classes should this be the path that calls you.


Yoga is Both an ART and a SCIENCE

Teaching Yoga is a CRAFT

200hr Yoga Teacher Training Course Syllabus - Teaching theory & practise with Laura Wynne - Aruna Yoga

The Business of Yoga

ransferring your spiritual practice to the economic world ethically

Too often people join a Teacher Training course thinking only about the yoga. And for some that is perfect. You may just want to deepen your understanding, awareness and appreciation for your amazing body, mind and spirit. And if that is the case this is the course for you. However if you would like to make a career change, be aware, most training don’t offer much if any business training. Laura comes from a training and business background. During her time a a yoga teacher, Laura has been employed by many different types of organisations, and today runs her own studio in Kildare. Her expertise will be combined with that of expert guest speakers through out the training; looking at a number of important areas, including keeping accounts, the legal side, pricing, marketing, becoming your own brand. Again, Laura will gently bring you through the process, so by the end of the training you will have the confidence and ability to establish yourself as an independent yoga teacher should that be your calling.

Transferring your spiritual practice to the

economic world ethically


Why Now?

Why not now? Later is just later. How long are you going to wait until you take the leap?

Trust yourself to be able to turn your passion into your profession.

Trust us to support you each step of the way

Make this your year and take the leap


Learn more about the course -

watch the recording of an Open Day

  • Hear from past students

  • Hear about Laura

  • Get answers to common questions

  • Hear about the course


The Accrediting Body

This Yoga Teacher Training is accredited by Yoga Alliance Professional. Successful completion of this training allows you to apply for membership to the international professional body YOGA ALLIANCE PROFESSIONAL

There are assessment elements in each of the modules. The assessments are designed to be supportive and to encourage you to learn and grow.

Practical Assessment with support every step of the way


Teaching Faculty

Head of Faculty

Laura Wynne B.Sc. M.Sc. B.A. (Psych)

Laura has been practicing yoga asana, meditating and teaching for almost 35 years. “ “While I always teach Hatha yoga I have been influenced by different schools along my way. I began when I was 18. After 6 years of practice I could still only just about do a headstand against the wall. In my 20’s and early 30’s I found an amazing teacher Linda S. I loved crab (because I could never do it as a child), shoulder stand and plow (We now know practicing shoulder-stand the way I did 20 years ago is not good for your body). Then came 3 children, pregnancy yoga and lots of sleepless nights.  By my early 40’s I craved something stronger, and had a daily ashtanga practice for a number of years.’ Now at 50 I am really enjoying the freedom and flow of embodied somatic movements. I am much more interested in the why and how then the what”.

Having a background in Yoga Therapy Laura has always known the importance in adjusting the pose to suit the student. Her love of anatomy and learning informs all her teaching. However her practice has now developed to include a somatic embodied approach.

Laura’s teachers and influencers

I am grateful for so many amazing teachers I have had the privilege of learning from along the way. Just a few include

Gill Hadley, Lisa Petersons, Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen , Elma T, Linda s, Lesley Kaminoff, Ole Larson, Luis Molinar.

Mary Farrelly - Mentor on Aruna Yoga 200hr Yoga Teacher Training - Yoga Teacher Training Dublin

Mary, One of our Fabulous Tutors


Time to Integrate and Embody the teaching

To ensure you have the support you need you will have a mentor. They will be available to you each term, to answer any questions, to give you support and feedback and to ensure you are doing ok. You will also be encouraged to have a study buddy or small study group, so you can explore the material and your experiences between the formal classes.

Have the support of a Mentor every step of the way


The Specifics


Participants who have fully participated in and attended all aspects of the training receive a Certificate of Participation from Aruna Yoga.

Teaching Certification is also available from Both Aruna Yoga Academy and Yoga Alliance Professionals. This is required to be able to teach Yoga or Mediation,

To be able to apply for CERTIFICATION as a Yoga or Meditation Teacher - ALL aspects of the training MUST be completed. This includes FULL attendance of ALL Saturday Workshops, Tutorials, and the Retreat, Completion of all of the self-practice hours, attendance at your weekly class, Completion of all of the course materials (Video, audio, and written), and Successful completion of all of the assessments.

Dates & Location

Beginning Saturday, September 20th, 2025, completion June 2026

  • One Saturday each month (usually the third Saturday of each month.)

    • September 20th 2025

    • October 18th 2025

    • November 15th 2025

    • December 13th 2025

    • January 16th - 18th (Retreat at Ballyvalo Retreat Center Wexford)

    • February 14th 2026

    • March 21st 2026

    • April 25th 2026

    • May 16th 2026

    • June 20th 2026 (Graduation at Aruna Yoga Studio)

  • Weekly Thursday Evening Zoom Call - 8 pm to 9 pm (Excluding Halloween, Christmas & Easter)

  • Weekend Retreat January 16th to 18th, 2026 at Ballyvalloo Retreat Center, Co. Wexford (TBC)

Location: Our in-person training days will take place at Aruna Yoga Studio or Maynooth University

Included in the price:

  • All Training Days

  • All Tutorial Classes

  • Weekend Retreat (Accommodation, Food, Training)

  • Access to all Training Videos & Asana Libary

  • Comprehensive Workbooks

  • Extremely high Teacher to Student Ratio (ensuring lots of hands-on support and feedback)

  • Tutor support during the training

  • Individual feedback on an hour-long recorded class

  • Certification

  • Bonus Training

    • Full-Day in Person Training

      • Social Media Confidence

      • Building an Abundant Ethical Business

    • Pre Recorded Trainings

      • 4 Agreements with Laura

      • Additional Interviews & training with experts

  • Discounts are available on Studio & Online Classes while attending the Teacher Training

Secure My Spot


** Sign up before Jan 11th to get a free month of Early Morning online classes**
3 classes per week

What a way to start the year!

Early Bird Closes 29th February 2025

Early Bird -€2750

Payment Options:

  • Pay in Full today

  • Pay over 13 months* (€215 per month x 13 months)(*there is a €2.50 transaction fee per transaction)

  • Pay in a Deposit of €650 today and then the remaining balance of €2100 by August 31st, 2025

Booking after 29th February 2025

Investment - €2850

Payment Options:

  • Pay in Full today

  • Pay over 12 months* (€240 per month x 12 months)(*there is a €2.50 transaction fee per transaction)

  • Pay in a Deposit of €750 today and then the remaining balance of €2100 by August 31st, 2025