Restorative Yoga Teacher Training

CPD Short Course

Supporting you to Support your Students


Saturday 2nd & 30th November 2024


Opening new teaching opportunities for you and

bringing the deep benefits of restorative yoga to your students

I must admit I discovered Restorative yoga by accident. As a new teacher group asked me to teach a class on a Friday night. I thought, OK, but Friday night … I guess that has to be restorative yoga. My love affair with Restorative yoga began then that very night and has never ended.

I was blown away by the effect of leaving people for a little longer in a pose. Their faces shone, and to my absolute surprise, they also moved with more freedom and grace. After that, I went to any training I could find and read any book I could get my hands on, but my deepest learning took place by embodying the poses and learning to read the room and the prompts that each body gives. Recognising when the ‘just right’ / ‘sweet spot’ is achieved.

Over the years I learned by trial and error what I was looking for and when it was achieved. Today I am excited to shorten your learning curve by not only telling and showing you but by supporting you to experience it for yourself.

Restorative yoga is so very powerful, and once you have the key, you can have years of fun exploring and sharing it with your lucky students.

What makes Emboied Restorative Yoga so Powerful

Restorative Yoga is primarily about the nervous system.

Taking time, giving and receiving support, using props, weight and covering encourages the body and nervous system to give way, and release. Another way to phrase this is to allow time for the body to move from the symptomatic to the parasympathetic state.

Then benefits of this shift are received by all the other systems within the body,

  • The Respiratory System

  • The Cardiovascular System

  • The Muscleker Skeletal Systems (particularly the Fasha)

  • The Immune System

  • The Digestive & Elimination Systems

  • The Reproductive System

  • Especially the Endocrine System and

  • The Nervous System

In this course you will discover how to read the cues directly from the nervous system, bypassing the other layers (particularly the ‘should’, ‘could’ and ‘must’ )

This deep relaxation will refresh and restore the body and mind. Its effects are longer-lasting and deeply felt.

This often results in better sleep, better digestion & elimination and an overall better sense of self, leading to better boundaries and self-care.

A restorative class is a perfect reboot to the end of the week. Teaching a restorative class can have the same effect on your nervous system as your students, therefore holding the potential to also offer you healing at the end of the week. For almost 10 years my Friday night restorative class … was my favourite way to end the week.

The Prayer of the Embodied Restorative Yoga Teacher

Give me the Clarity to see the Potential

The Confidence to adjust ‘just enough’

And the Wisdom to trust the ‘AH’

The more I work with people the more I see our need to have a space and time to allow our bodies and minds to unwind.
The space the COVID pause created has now been filled with more activity than ever. Meanwhile, the stress we held as individuals and as a global society is now finding expression.
Now more than ever we can benefit from an opportunity to rest and restore.
— Laura Wynne

At Aruna Yoga’s Restorative Yoga Certified Short CPD Course for Yoga Teachers

Topics we will cover

  • What it is and why bother

    • What is emboied restoritive yoga

    • How does it differ from Yen Yoga or using props in a Hatha class

    • Why it is beneficial

    • The power of rest and restore

  • The Nuts & Bolts

    • Restorative poses - static & moving

    • How to use props effectively - filling the gaps, the power of weight, staying covered

    • Transitions without disturbance

  • Opportunities to offer Embodied Restorative Yoga

    • Integrating restorative poses into a class

    • How to plan a full restorative class and a 7-week course

    • Planning a longer offering - Workshops or Retreat

This is an Embodied Yoga Training Course, and as such parts 1 and 2 will be the main focus and will be experiential. The aim is to truly and deeply understand the goal of a restorative pose and the effect of the optimal support for a person in a particular pose. Secondly to be able to read the student and the room so as to offer appropriate time to settle and truly allow the unwind process to happen.

About Laura

Laura has thought a weekly Restorative yoga class, monthly workshops and retreats for about 10 years. Initially weighed down with bags of props she eventually built her own studio so as to have a home for all the ‘stuff’. Irionaclay that is when she started using fewer props.

Laura combines her yoga therapy training with her somatic informed embodied yoga training and her vast experience to offer a unique take on restorative yoga that has been popular with her students from the first night.

Having honed and developed her craft she is now delighted to share them with you.


This course is Certified by Aruna Yoga Academy and qualifies you for 20 hours CE with Yoga Alliance

Attendance on both days and completion of the project is necessary for certification.


Combine it to qualify as a Specialist in Restorative Yoga

Successful completion of this course also offers you 20 credits toward the Specialist in Restorative Yoga Teacher Certification - Certified by Aruna Yoga Academy & Yoga Alliance Profesional.

Specialist in Restorative Yoga certification requires 60 credits -

  • 20 credits - Restorative Yoga Teacher Training short course

  • 20 credits - Yoga Nidra Teacher Training short course

  • 20 credits - Assignment


Completion of 200hr Yoga Teacher Training

Time & Dates

  • Saturday 2nd November & 30th November 2024

  • 9 am to 5 pm (with a 90 min lunch)

  • Assignment - approximately 4 to 6 hours are required between the two training days


Training Days Only

  • Full Cost €260

  • Early Bird €240 Code CPD20

Get the Support you Need ..……

Refining your Skills, Finding your Voice, Transforming your Practice, Expanding your Knowledge, Increasing your Income, Growing your Tribe, and Best of all have some Fun Doing it!