Teacher Apprenticeship Programme
120 hr Certified Training
Supporting you to Support your Students
Booking for 2024 open
24-month Programme
Why do an Apprenticeship?
We some how, at some stage discovered yoga. The more we did, the more we benefited. Eventually we could no longer ignore our passion and our wish to learn more and to share it … with just about anyone who would stand still long enough for us to tell them about it. We did a teacher training course, and now we are teaching.
We want to be the best teacher we can be.
However, we know from our own experience that not all teachers are equal. We know passionate people who just can’t teach. We know great teachers that we didn’t like. And now we are the teacher, maybe lacking in confidence, or maybe over confident. But either way … it can be hard for us to continue to improve and develop our teaching without being able to also - objectively - attend our classes.
“We don’t know what we don’t know”
This is where this unique programme comes in.
As teachers we typically work alone, and the feedback we get from students while wonderful, is not always useful to support our development. During the class there is not much opportunity for feedback, as hopefully students are in their own process. The net affect of this is that we can become very biased, potentially not spotting opportunities for improvement, or being very harsh on ourselves, not recognising what we are doing well, and how we are improving.
This programme offers you the opportunity to be supported, particularly early in your journey, before habbits are formed, to celebrate what is going well; constantly make little improvements, resulting in big shifts,
The times I learned most and transformed my teaching and training was working in this type of environment, That is why I am so passionate about bringing it to you.
Transforming ‘Good’ to ‘Great’ to ‘EXCELLENT’
What - The overview
The idea is to develop a team approach to teaching and so offer you the support of your peers and an experienced Mentor.
By you observing, teaching and discussing -TEACHING - STUDENTS - ANATOMY - RETENTION - LANGUAGE - CHALLENGES - you may, in time, become as big a nerd as I am 😂
We offer you both individualised and group coaching.
The peers, coaches / mentors will attend your class or review a recording.
Regular check ins as your teaching progress, or you encounter new challenges.
Master classes, designed to support you and the group develop best practice. The topics will be based on the needs of the group at any specific time.
You also get an opportunity to support your peers - a great way to learn.
You also will have an opportunity to team teach, or observe a senior teacher, which is another fantastic way to learn.
How - The Nuts and Bolts
Support your Teaching
70 hr* Supervised Teaching Hours -
Supported as outlined below:
1 x 60 min One to One Induction Call (1 hr)
4 x Class Review & Feedback (10 hr)
2 x 1.25 hr Co-Teaching Experiences (6-8 hr)
5 x 30 min One-to-One Coaching (2.5 hr)
10 x 15 min Mini Checkin (2.5 hr)
2 x 60 min Business / Planning / Strategy Coaching (2 hr)
3 x 1hr Peer Review - Where you review a peer (6 hr)
8 x 1.25 hr Laura’s Class (live, in-person or recorded) (10 hr)
*70 hours correlates to 10 x 7 week blocks (September to June over 2 years)…. i.e. one hour of teaching each week for 2 academic years
Further Personal Continuous Development Training
10 hr Master Class or CPD Imersions (10 hr)
2 x CPD Training Days (not included) (16 hr)
Attend Weekly Personal Class (70 hr)
Can include Laura’s Class (live, in person or recorded - to critique and analyse)
Resources Available
In addition to the one-to-one coaching, there are several online resources made available to you during your time in the programme.
At present, they include access to:
Embodied Emersions
Anatomy Training
Time Taken
While it is designed to be completed over 2 years an extension to a 3rd year is possible
It looks like a lot when written down in one place, however it is simply supporting and formalising what is good practice: continuous review and leaning each step of the way.
Keeping Track
This programme is designed with your learning in mind. And it is intended that it will involve a little at a time. Therefore to keep track PLEASE get a journal - to keep record of all your hours, and more importantly your learning and insights.
Taking the Leap
Stand out from the crowd by being EXCEPTIONAL
Certified by Yoga Alliance Professional (CPD - 120 hr)
Certified by Aruna Yoga Academy (30 credits towards Aruna Certified Teacher)
Completion of 200hr Yoga Teacher Training
Be currently teaching a minimum of 1 weekly group yoga class
Time & Dates for 2024
This is a one-to-one programme. Start dates and coaching call times are arranged at the intake call.
A monthly payment plan is available